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Admissions Requirements

additional submissions and academic prerequisites

Additional Application Submissions

In addition to filling out the application, all prospective students must submit accompanying pieces of information that will help our admissions office get to know you better and aid in the admissions decision process.

Salvation Testimony

As we believe Bible translation can only be done effectively by regenerate believers through the enabling of the Holy Spirit, applicants must supply a written personal testimony of their salvation experience.

Character References

Applicants must supply three written character references. One reference must come from the applicant’s pastor; one reference should be from a college professor or instructor; and one reference should be from a former or current employer. References from relatives will not be accepted.

Church Reference

Applicant’s must supply a statement from the pastor or a pastoral staff member of the applicant’s home church verifying that he or she is a member in good standing in that church and describing the applicant’s ministry involvement.

College Transcripts

Final approval for acceptance into the program will not be given until official transcripts that verify the conferral of an appropriate degree have been received. Either official paper copies of these transcripts can be sent to the school’s registrar or digital copies can be sent directly from the school.

English Proficiency

Applicants must be prepared to establish English grammar and composition proficiency.

Statement of Intent

Applicants must submit a letter of intent describing, as best he or she understands at the time of application, his or her future goals for Bible translation involvement.

Academic Prerequisites

A bachelor’s degree in a Bible-related area is not required for entrance into the MA degree program; however, applicants must have earned credit from an institution of higher learning in the subject areas listed below. Applicants may be required to submit syllabi from these courses in order to verify adequate coverage of the essential content. Thus, the academic prerequisites for entrance in the Master of Arts in Linguistics, Exegesis, and Translation Management program are as follows:
  • A bachelor’s degree, or equivalent
  • Old and New Testament introductions, or equivalent (four undergraduate or graduate credit hours)
  • Hermeneutics, or equivalent (two undergraduate or graduate credit hours)
  • Theology, Biblical or systematic (six undergraduate or graduate credit hours)
  • Introduction to missions, or equivalent (two undergraduate or graduate credit hours)

Non-baccalaureate Admission

Students who lack the prerequisite bachelor’s degree may apply for the Master of Arts in Linguistics, Exegesis, and Translation Management; however, admission will be highly selective and based upon ministry experience, academic achievements, spiritual maturity, and future Bible translation goals. These students must have ministry experience and be able to achieve acceptable GRE (Graduate Record Examination) scores that demonstrate academic capability at the graduate level.