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Doctrinal Statement

what we believe

As a ministry of First Baptist Church of Milford, all doctrinal positions of FirstBible School of Translation are inherited from this church. An abbreviated statement of faith highlighting key positions follows below; for a full doctrinal statement, please click here.

  • We believe that God is one God and eternally exists triunally in three distinct persons, each equal in power and attributes: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We believe that God sovereignly reigns over His creation.
  • We believe in the authority of Scripture. We believe that the Bible is the plenarily and verbally inspired, inerrant, living Word of God. We believe that God has divinely and faithfully preserved His Word for all people today in the Hebrew Masoretic and the Greek Textus Receptus. We use only the Authorized Version for faith and practice in English.
  • We believe that man is inherently sinful and dead in sin. We believe that any person through repentance and faith can, by grace, receive eternal salvation, which is freely offered through the substitutionary, atoning death of Christ on the cross. Salvation is not earned or deserved. We believe in the bodily resurrection and ascension of Jesus after His death.
  • We believe in the authority and autonomy of the local church. The primary obligations of the church are assembling together for the purpose of worshiping God, evangelizing the lost, baptizing and discipling of saved persons, caring for the poor, participating in the Lord’s Table, and taking seriously the global responsibility to reproduce more churches—glorifying God through each. The church has two offices (pastor and deacon).
  • We believe in the pretribulational rapture of the church. We believe in the visible, personal, and premillennial return of Jesus Christ to earth. We believe that all people will spend forever in either a real heaven or in a literal hell.

Read our full doctrinal statement.

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